
T在这里 are sev­er­al ways to pay your bill

With a Duly Health and Care app account, you can now access and 付账单, view your account details, set up your pay­ment plan, and more.

Not inter­est­ed in sign­ing up for MyChart? You can still pay online with MyChart嘉宾缴费. Refer to your state­ment for your Guest Pay information.

计费 & Finan­cial Support

Please review your billing state­ments care­ful­ly and con­tact cus­tomer ser­vice if you think t在这里 is an error, need an expla­na­tion, or need to pro­vide us with updat­ed infor­ma­tion. You can make pay­ments on your account at any clin­ic loca­tion, 通过电子邮件, or by call­ing 574−299−2450 to speak to one of our billing experts. They are also avail­able to answer your questions. 

Your first state­ment will be sent to you with­in 30 days after the date your ser­vice was pro­vid­ed. The state­ment will show what was billed to your insur­ance and what pay­ments are your respon­si­bil­i­ty. For your con­ve­nience, we accept most major cred­it cards, per­son­al checks, and cash. 

When you con­tact Cus­tomer Ser­vice, please have your account num­ber ready. This will help the Cus­tomer Ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive access your account more quickly. 

Paper­less 计费 Statements 

We’re excit­ed to share that as of August 15, 2024, we will be mov­ing to paper­less billing state­ments to help you more effi­cient­ly receive your bal­ance and state­ments through email or text mes­sages and enable eas­i­er pay­ment options through your MyChart account. If you have a MyChart account, you will begin receiv­ing Paper­less 计费 state­ments on 8/15/2024 through email, text mes­sage or app noti­fi­ca­tion based on your MyChart com­mu­ni­ca­tion preferences.

If you would like to update how you receive billing updates, log in to your MyChart account and vis­it Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Pref­er­ences to update your 计费 notifications.

If you wish to receive paper state­ments, log in to your MyChart account and vis­it the 计费Sum-ma-ry to dis­able the Paper­less Pref­er­ences. Spe­cif­ic instruc­tions on how to update your com­mu­ni­ca­tions pref­er­ences are avail­able 在这里.

For any ques­tions about paper­less billing, please con­tact our MyChart Help Desk at 1−855−269−2427.


Which meth­ods can I use to pay my bill (check, cash, cred­it card)? 

The South Bend Clin­ic accepts pay­ments made by cash, check, mon-ey秩序, or cred­it card. We accept the fol­low­ing cred­it cards: 

  • 签证
  • Mas-ter-Card
  • Amer­i­can Express 
  • Dis-cov-er

Pay­ments may be made: 

  • By Mail: Use the return enve­lope that came with your billing state­ment to make a pay­ment by check, mon-ey秩序, 或者信用卡. 
  • In Per­son: You can make a pay­ment in your physi­cian’s office. 
  • By Phone: Cred­it card pay­ments can be made by call­ing our 计费 Office at 574−299−2450.

If I have ques­tions regard­ing my bill who can I call? 

Please con­tact our 计费 Office, at 574−299−2450.

Hours: Mon­day – Fri­day, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 

What if I can­not pay my bill in full?

T在这里 may be times when you can­not pay your total bal­ance in one pay­ment. Our cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives will make every effort to work with you to come up with a pay­ment arrange­ment. Please con­tact our 计费 Office, at 574−299−2450 to assist you with a pay­ment plan. 

When is pay­ment of my bill expected? 

With the excep­tion of co-pay­­ment amounts which are due at the time of ser­vice, we expect pay­ment in full with­in 21 days after you receive your statement. 

What if I don’t have health insur­ance?

If you do not have health insur­ance, we require pay­ment at the time of ser­vice for in-office and sur­gi­cal care, phys­i­cal and occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py vis­its, and oth­er in-office care. If you have ques­tions regard­ing our pay­ment sched­ule pol­i­cy, please con­tact our 计费 Office at 574−299−2450.

What insur­ance plans do you accept?

For a full list of accept­ed insur­ance plans, please 点击这里.

W在这里 do I find the HIPAA form?

You will find the HIPAA under our 病人形式 section. 

W在这里 do I send the HIPAA form once it is com­plet­ed?


Medicopy Ser­vices, Inc. 

8 City Blvd Suite 400 

Nashville, TN 37209 



电子邮件: request@ medicopy.净